32 Day 300 Hour Deep & Transforming Yoga Teacher Training in Goa.

Йога мероприятие 32 Day 300 Hour Deep & Transforming Yoga Teacher Training in Goa. Гоа

32 Day 300 Hour Deep & Transforming Yoga Teacher Training in Goa.


Embark on a transformative journey with our 32-day, 300-hour Deep & Transforming Yoga Teacher Training in captivating Goa. Elevate your practice and teaching skills under the guidance of Mahamukti Yoga School.


Welcome to an enriching 32-day, 300-hour Deep & Transforming Yoga Teacher Training in the breathtaking landscapes of Goa, India. Organized by Mahamukti Yoga School, this immersive program is meticulously designed to take you on an extensive journey of self-discovery and professional growth, leading you towards becoming a highly skilled and certified yoga instructor.

The Yoga Odyssey in Goa:
Imagine embarking on a holistic yoga odyssey in the picturesque haven of Goa, where nature's beauty converges with rich cultural heritage. This training goes beyond a mere certification course; it's an immersive expedition that merges the essence of yoga with the serene backdrop of one of India's most sought-after destinations. Amidst the tranquil environment, you'll dive deep into your practice, allowing the wisdom of yoga to permeate every facet of your being.

Curriculum and Highlights:
Our thoughtfully crafted 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training program offers a comprehensive exploration of yoga's facets, focusing on both personal growth and refining teaching skills. The curriculum spans diverse yoga styles, including Hatha, Vinyasa, and more. Each day, you'll engage in intensive asana sessions, pranayama practices, meditation, and insightful workshops.

Led by seasoned and certified instructors, the training delves into yogic philosophy, anatomy, alignment, and effective teaching methodologies. With a blend of theory and practical application, you'll have ample opportunities to refine your teaching abilities, enabling you to lead classes with confidence and expertise.

Mahamukti Yoga School Excellence:
Mahamukti Yoga School is synonymous with excellence in yoga education. Our team of dedicated instructors brings not only expertise but also a genuine passion for imparting authentic yogic wisdom. As a Yoga Alliance registered school, our training adheres to global standards, ensuring a top-tier education that's recognized internationally.

Upon successful completion of the 300-hour Deep & Transforming Yoga Teacher Training program, you'll receive a certification that qualifies you to teach yoga across the world. This certification signifies your mastery and commitment to both personal practice and the art of teaching.

Building Connections and Community:
Beyond the curriculum, this training fosters a sense of community among participants. Forge lasting connections with fellow aspiring instructors from diverse backgrounds, united by their love for yoga. Together, you'll celebrate milestones, offer support, and thrive in a nurturing community environment.

Discovering Goa's Wonders:
While immersing in intensive training, Goa also invites you to explore its myriad wonders. Delight in vibrant markets, savor local flavors, unwind on pristine beaches, and immerse yourself in Goa's cultural tapestry. Every facet of this enchanting destination contributes to a holistic and unforgettable experience.

Embark on a transformative 32-day, 300-hour Deep & Transforming Yoga Teacher Training journey in the captivating setting of Goa with Mahamukti Yoga School. Whether you aspire to deepen your practice or guide others on their yoga path, this immersive experience serves as a profound stepping stone. Immerse yourself in the synergy of yoga, nature, and personal growth, emerging as a certified yoga instructor empowered to inspire positive change.

Join us in Goa and set forth on this transformative expedition towards self-discovery and professional elevation.

В стоимость события входит
Mask and herbal sanitizers
Three times yogic food with herbal tea
Drinking Mineral Water
A Yoga Manual
Complete TTC Course
WiFi Internet
FREE Airport Pick up from Goa Airport
1st Day orientation meeting 4-00 PM

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